The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies is proud to present The Aerospace Advantage, with former Air Force weapons school instructor and Thunderbird Lt Col (ret) John “Slick” Baum as the host. Every week, Slick will take listeners into the world of aerospace power and help the audience understand what it takes to fly and fight in the sky, while also protecting America’s interests in space. Whether talking to top generals, standing on a flight line full of combat aircraft, looking at a rocket being prepared for launch, or hearing from those who have laid it all on the line in defense of the nation—this podcast will afford unprecedented access and insight into where the combat aerospace community is going and why.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Episode 46 - Operation Enduring Freedom: A 20-year Air Commander Retrospective Part 1
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Episode 46 – Operation Enduring Freedom: A 20-Year Air Commander Retrospective Part 1
Episode Summary:
In episode 46 of the Aerospace Advantage podcast, Operation Enduring Freedom: A 20-Year Air Commander Retrospective Part 1, General Buzz Moseley, USAF (ret), General Chuck Wald, USAF (ret), Lt Gen Dave Deptula, USAF (ret), and Maj Gen Larry Stutzriem, USAF (ret), explore what it was like to plan and execute an air campaign like none other. Their efforts began hours after the 9/11 attacks, with combat operations commencing on October 7th, 2001. Sortie durations stretched aircraft and crews to their limits given the lack of proximate regional bases. In a matter of months, U.S. airpower, in conjunction with indigenous Afghan ground forces and a handful of U.S. special units, removed the Taliban from power and destroyed terrorist training camps. In fact, Afghanistan was already in allied control by the time the broader US Army and Marine Corps deployments arrived. So, if you want to know about the decisive phase of Operation Enduring Freedom, it’s a story about airpower. General Wald, USAF (ret.) and General Moseley, USAF (ret.) each served as the head of Central Command Air Forces Commander in back-to-back assignments, General Deptula commanded the combined air operations center, and Major General Stutzriem, USAF (ret.) was the Director of Operations for Joint Task Force - Southwest Asia and Deputy Director of the Combined Air Operations Center. At their core, they were all air commanders in an absolutely pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Today we explore this history and talk about experiences and memories none of them will ever forget. This is the first time they have discussed this history as a group in twenty years, so this is a set of episodes you will not want to miss.
Host: Lt Col John “Slick” Baum, USAF, ret.
Producer: Daniel C. Rice
Executive Producer: Douglas Birkey
Guest: Gen (ret.) T. Michael “Buzz” Moseley, USAF
Guest: Gen (ret.) Charles F. “Chuck” Wald, USAF
Guest: Lt Gen (ret.) David Deptula, Dean, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Guest: Maj Gen (ret.) Larry “Stutz” Stutzriem, Director of Research, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Guest: Douglas Birkey, Executive Director, The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies
Website: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/
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